Gender: Male
Weight: 75 pounds
Registration: AKC
Buddy is our happy male, always wagging his tail! He is dark red, like our other female Goldens, and is very playful.

Gender: Male
Weight: 65 pounds
Registration: AKC
Kirby is our new stud that will breed our youngest females who are daughters of Buddy. He is smaller than Buddy but may grow a little yet. He is a medium golden color with beautiful feathering.
Gender: Female
Weight: 60 lbs
Registration: AKC
Belle is a very loving and gentle Golden Retriever. She is dark red and has turned out to be a wonderful mother. She has such a desire to please and she lives for that pat on the head and rub on the belly! She is an older sister to Sadie and Samantha.

Gender: Female
Weight: 65 lbs
Registration: AKC
Samantha is beautiful and gentle and is always ready for a good belly rub! She is a sister of Belle, and daughter of our Charlie. Their mother belongs to a friend of ours. Samantha is an average sized female Golden Retrievers, weighing in at around 65 pounds.

Gender: Female
Weight: 55 lbs.
Registration: AKC
Willow is a very dark colored Golden Retriever. She is a bit on the smaller side and so is her sister, Aspen. They were born in the same litter and their parents are Buddy and Belle. She has proven to be a very good mama with her first two litters, so gentle!

Gender: Female
Weight: 55 lbs.
Registration: AKC
Our Goden Retriever, Aspen, also has a very dark colored coat. She too is on the smaller side just like her sister, Willow. They were born in the same litter and their parents are Buddy and Belle.